:py:mod:`SBTi.data.bloomberg` ============================= .. py:module:: SBTi.data.bloomberg Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: SBTi.data.bloomberg.Bloomberg .. py:class:: Bloomberg(**kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`SBTi.data.data_provider.DataProvider` Data provider skeleton for Bloomberg. .. py:method:: _request(self, endpoint: str, data: dict) -> Optional[object] Request data from the server. Note: This request does in no way reflect the actual implementation, this is only a stub to show what a potential API request COULD look like. :param endpoint: The endpoint of the API :param data: The data to send as a body :return: The returned data, None in case of an error. .. py:method:: get_targets(self, company_ids: List[str]) -> List[SBTi.interfaces.IDataProviderTarget] :abstractmethod: Get all relevant targets for a list of company ids (ISIN). This method should return a list of IDataProviderTarget instances. :param company_ids: A list of company IDs (ISINs) :return: A list containing the targets .. py:method:: get_company_data(self, company_ids: List[str]) -> List[SBTi.interfaces.IDataProviderCompany] :abstractmethod: Get all relevant data for a list of company ids (ISIN). This method should return a list of IDataProviderCompany instances. :param company_ids: A list of company IDs (ISINs) :return: A list containing the company data .. py:method:: get_sbti_targets(self, companies: list) -> list :abstractmethod: For each of the companies, get the status of their target (Target set, Committed or No target) as it's known to the SBTi. :param companies: A list of companies. Each company should be a dict with a "company_name" and "company_id" field. :return: The original list, enriched with a field called "sbti_target_status"