:py:mod:`SBTi.portfolio_coverage_tvp` ===================================== .. py:module:: SBTi.portfolio_coverage_tvp Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: SBTi.portfolio_coverage_tvp.PortfolioCoverageTVP .. py:class:: PortfolioCoverageTVP(config: Type[SBTi.configs.PortfolioCoverageTVPConfig] = PortfolioCoverageTVPConfig) Bases: :py:obj:`SBTi.portfolio_aggregation.PortfolioAggregation` Lookup the companies in the given portfolio and determine whether they have a SBTi approved target. :param config: A class defining the constants that are used throughout this class. This parameter is only required if you'd like to overwrite a constant. This can be done by extending the PortfolioCoverageTVPConfig class and overwriting one of the parameters. .. py:method:: get_portfolio_coverage(self, company_data: pandas.DataFrame, portfolio_aggregation_method: SBTi.portfolio_aggregation.PortfolioAggregationMethod) -> Optional[float] Get the TVP portfolio coverage (i.e. what part of the portfolio has a SBTi validated target). :param company_data: The company as it is returned from the data provider's get_company_data call. :param portfolio_aggregation_method: PortfolioAggregationMethod: The aggregation method to use :return: The aggregated score